【satta matta matka 143 result today live】Turkish journalists experience Xinjiang culture at Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar
Photo taken on August 8, 2024 shows Turkish journalists visiting the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Eleven journalists from eight major Turkish media outlets visited the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar on Friday. Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when seeing so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
A Turkish journalist shoots videos to create a vlog at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Eleven journalists from eight major Turkish media outlets visited the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar on Friday. Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when seeing so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
Photo taken on August 8, 2024 shows Turkish journalists tasting Nang, a traditional flatbread of Xinjiang, at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Eleven journalists from eight major Turkish media outlets visited the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar on Friday. Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when seeing so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
Photo taken on August 8, 2024 shows Turkish journalists saying hello to a local old man at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Eleven journalists from eight major Turkish media outlets visited the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar on Friday. Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when seeing so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
Photo taken on August 8, 2024 shows a Turkish experiencing traditional Xinjiang musical instruments at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Eleven journalists from eight major Turkish media outlets visited the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar on Friday. Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when seeing so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
Tunç Akkoç, Editor-in-Chief of Turkish media outlet Harici, takes an interview at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region on August 8, 2024. He said that he was moved by the peaceful city of Urumqi when he saw so many people walking and shopping with smiles on their faces at the Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar. (Photo by Zhang Zhou/ Guangming Online)
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:时尚)
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