【rajdhani and kalyan chart】12 killed, 22 injured in pilgrim bus accident in SW Pakistan
This photo taken with a mobile phone shows an overturned bus in a ravine in southwest Pakistan's Lasbela on Aug. 25, 2024. Twelve people were killed and 22 others injured when the bus carrying the pilgrims fell into a ravine in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province on Sunday morning, police sources said. The accident happened in Lasbela district when the driver lost control of the speeding vehicle due to brake failure. The passengers were traveling from the eastern Punjab province to Iran for pilgrimage, the sources from the district told Xinhua. (Str/Xinhua)
ISLAMABAD, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Twelve people were killed and 22 others injured when the bus carrying the pilgrims fell into a ravine in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province on Sunday morning, police sources said.
The accident happened in Lasbela district when the driver lost control of the speeding vehicle due to brake failure. The passengers were traveling from the eastern Punjab province to Iran for pilgrimage, the sources from the district told Xinhua.
The injured have been shifted to a nearby hospital, with several of them in critical condition, the sources said.
Road accidents frequently happen in Pakistan due to poorly maintained roads, violation of road safety rules, and reckless driving. ■
This photo taken with a mobile phone shows an overturned bus in a ravine in southwest Pakistan's Lasbela on Aug. 25, 2024. Twelve people were killed and 22 others injured when the bus carrying the pilgrims fell into a ravine in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province on Sunday morning, police sources said. The accident happened in Lasbela district when the driver lost control of the speeding vehicle due to brake failure. The passengers were traveling from the eastern Punjab province to Iran for pilgrimage, the sources from the district told Xinhua. (Str/Xinhua)
People search for victims after a bus fell into a ravine in southwest Pakistan's Lasbela on Aug. 25, 2024. Twelve people were killed and 22 others injured when the bus carrying the pilgrims fell into a ravine in Pakistan's southwestern Balochistan province on Sunday morning, police sources said. The accident happened in Lasbela district when the driver lost control of the speeding vehicle due to brake failure. The passengers were traveling from the eastern Punjab province to Iran for pilgrimage, the sources from the district told Xinhua. (Str/Xinhua)
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:探索)
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