【is it bandh tomorrow in bangalore】Exhibition held at Tsinghua University Art Museum in memory of Qi Baishi, Huang Yongyu
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows people visiting an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows people visiting an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows people visiting an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows exhibits diasplayed at an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2024 shows exhibits diasplayed at an exhibition themed with "Germination - In Commemoration of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu" ongoing at the Tsinghua University Art Museum in Beijing, China's capital city. Coinciding with the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth and the 100th anniversary of Huang Yongyu's birth, the exhibition was held as a fitting tribute and commemoration "Germination" focuses on those artworks of animal themes to capture the artistic images created by Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, and to pay tribute to their evergreen artistic life and immortal artistic spirit. Focusing on the artworks of Qi Baishi and Huang Yongyu, the exhibition also gathers the classic works of 20 famous artists from ancient and modern times, including Ren Bonian, Xu Gu, Wang Mengbai, Xu Beihong, Zhu Danian, and Wu Guanzhong. At the same time, there are several representative works by 15 contemporary artists, including Pang Jun, Jin Yucheng, Wei Xiaom-ing, Xu Lei, Zhao Bandi, and Zhou Chunya. In addition to painting and sculpture, the exhibits of TAM collection also includes exquisite works from various categories such as dyeing and weaving handiwork, embroidery, ceramics, and bronzes of ancient times. There are a total of 273 exhibits here on display in six sections. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)
Editor: WXY(责任编辑:时尚)
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