【how to hack teen patti flush in pc】Ancient brocade inspires modern dance drama: "Five Stars Rising from the East" bridges eras
By Wang Ruoxin and Luo Zixuan(Intern)
In a remarkable fusion of ancient history and contemporary art,how to hack teen patti flush in pc the dance drama "Five Stars Rising from the East" brings to life the story behind a two-thousand-year-old Han-dynasty brocade, weaving together past and present on stage.
Xu Rui, playwright of the dance drama and President of Beijing Dance Academy, took inspiration from a significant archaeological find in 1995. The Sino-Japanese Academic Expedition to the Niya Ruins unearthed a piece of Han-dynasty brocade with seal-script Chinese characters reading "Five Stars Rising from the East Benefits China." This discovery, found in the deserts of Xinjiang, is an exceptional example of ancient Chinese weaving and holds great historical and cultural significance.
Xu Rui explained the profound impact of this artifact on his creative process. “This brocade represents the highest art of weaving in the Han dynasty,” he said. “It is so delicate that even modern technology struggles to recreate it. When discovered, it was still as bright as new, leading some to doubt its authenticity. But it is indeed from that era, serving as historical evidence of the deep interactions between the Central Plains and the Western Regions.”
The brocade is not only a testament to ancient Chinese craftsmanship but also a symbol of auspiciousness. At the time, people believed that the alignment of five planets in the east was a good omen for the nation. This cultural artifact, alongside wooden slips with written records also unearthed at the Niya Ruins, formed the foundation of Xu’s creation. One particular slip, inscribed with a message of love and hope, deeply impressed him: "Feng presents a piece of jade to Chunjun, hoping that she will never forget him."
Xu noted, “This ordinary interaction shows the warmth of history. It is these two artifacts together that inspired my creation.” The dance drama vividly recreates the interactions between Han and the peoples of the Western Regions, breathing new life into ancient history on stage.
"Five Stars Rising from the East" is a grand concept that Xu found challenging to approach artistically. The story features several characters, including Feng, a border general of the Han Dynasty, and Jiante, the son of the northern tribe leader. Feng captured Jiante, but during a sandstorm, they lost their way and were rescued by the monks of Jingjue. In this idyllic setting, Feng met Chunjun, a beautiful girl from the Western Regions and the daughter of Jingjue’s leader. Despite their initially opposing relationships, they began to understand each other, moving towards reconciliation and a shared future.
Xu emphasized the emotional core of the drama, saying, “The truth of art is not an objective fact, but what you truly want to express. We aim to convey the warmth in human interactions, sincere emotion, and inner harmony. Regardless of how grand the theme, it ultimately boils down to genuine emotional exchange between people.”
Through "Five Stars Rising from the East," Xu Rui has masterfully blended ancient history with modern storytelling, creating a powerful narrative that resonates with audiences today.
Editor: WXY(责任编辑:综合)
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