【maatha teen patti variations】China to join hands with int'l community to promote Africa's prosperity: FM spokesperson
BEIJING,maatha teen patti variations Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Supporting Africa's development is the common responsibility of the international community, and China stands ready to join hands with the international community to promote Africa's prosperity and bring benefits to the African people, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said here Wednesday.
Spokesperson Lin Jian made the remarks at a regular press conference in response to a Kenyan economist's remarks on cooperation between Africa and China. He said that African countries are not forced to change their own policies, and Africa-China cooperation is driven by the needs of Africa. This approach has also made Western countries and other non-regional partners consider the needs of Africa and establish equal partnerships with African countries.
Lin said that China's cooperation with Africa, rooted in the fundamental interests of the Chinese and African people, has always been guided by the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith as well as the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests.
China's modernization has always promoted Africa's development, Lin said, adding that China has always been committed to the well-being and needs of the African people, respects Africa and treats African countries as equals, and never imposes China's own will or pursues selfish interests.
When asked to comment on an article published by a U.S. magazine, which says that China is winning the Global South by providing public goods to developing countries, Lin told the press briefing that China, as a natural member of the Global South, is committed to supporting Africa and other partners of the Global South to truly realize development and revitalization.
China welcomes other countries to act like China and pay more attention to and invest in Africa and view China-Africa cooperation with an open mind, Lin said.
China is willing to carry out trilateral and multi-party cooperation with the international community, on the basis of respecting the will of African countries, to promote the development and prosperity of Africa and bring benefits to the African people, said Lin.
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:娱乐)
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